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Sri. Palash Biswas

Designation: SACT
Qualification: M.A. (University of Kalyani, 2010)
Email: palash1987biswas@gmail.com
Specialization: Modern History (Women Studies)
Syllabus Taught:
Semester Hons. Programme
  • CC-I (Unit-3): Patterns of settlement & cultural changes- emergence of caste Society, organized religion & state territoriality-the Vedic literature.
  • CC-II (Unit-3): The Polis & Slave Society of Ancient Greece- rise of ancient Rome- decline of The Roman Empire agrarian economy and trade.
  • Unit-2: The Maurya rule in Magadha, Asoka’s Dhamma and administration-The post-Maurya India of the Kushanas, Satavahanas & Tamil Powers, splits in Jainism and Buddhism –vaishnavism, saivism.
  • CC-IV (Unit-4): Northern India Under the Delhi Sultanate- The Turkish Invasions from 997 to 1206 AD- Consolidation of the Sultanate from 1206 to 1286 AD–The Khalji Revolution & the omnipotent State under the Khaljis.
  • Unit-1: Northern India Under the Delhi Sultanate-Consolidation of the Sutanate from 1206-1286 AD; The Khalji Revolution and the omnipotent state under the Khaljis; The Tughluq period of reforms and counter reforms; decline of the Delhi Sultanate.
  • CC-V (Unit-1): The Successor states of Bijoynagar, Bahmani and Bengal -society, economy, art, architecture and literature.
  • CC-Vll (Unit-2): From Scientific to Industrial Revolution -rise of industrial societies in Europe.
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  • CC -VIII (Unit-3): Trade, commerce, and monetary system - routes of trade and commodity pattern of internal transactions - overseas trade andcommodity pattern - markets and monetary system.
  • Unit-2 : Seventeenth Century crisis – Glorious Revolution in England and great changes inpolitical, economic and state structure -American War of Independence, birth of new democratic politics - from Scientific to Industrial Revolution- rise of industrial Societies in Europe-the transition debate.
  • Course-XI: History of Modern India from the beginning of colonial rule to the Great Revolt
  • DSE (Honours) Course-III: Issue of the Contemporary World.
  • GE (General) =Course-1: Human Right in India
  • Course-XIII: Modern Europe: From Nationalism to Socialism.
  • DSE (Honours)
  • Course-1: History of Bangladesh from Liberation to the present day.
  • Course-III: History of Women in India
  • DSE (General) = Course-III: History of Women in India.
Research Interest : Social and cultural History
Awards / Achievements : Qualified SET in 2022
Conference / Seminar / Workshop details:
Level Paper presented Attended
International 02 01
National -- 02
State -- 01
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