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Firoj Mondal

Designation: SACT
Qualification: M.A. (University of Kalyani, 2009)
Email: ferojmondal0086@gmail.com
Specialization: Modern History (Women History in Modern India)
Syllabus Taught:
Semester Hons. Programme
  • CC-1 (Unit-2)- The Harappan civilization problem of the Indus script, journey from proto-historic to historic India,
  • CC2 (Unit-2)- Bronze civilizations of Egypt, Mesopotamia, Chaina, Mediterranean
  • GE. History- Unit4- Women’s rights in India-the questions of woman empowerment-women’s access to resources of the country violence against women, protective laws, protest and movement.
  • CC (Unit-4) The pallavas Rashtrakutas, Chaalukyas and Cholas Changes In polity Society, Economy, Religion and culture –towards transition.
  • CC-3 (Unit-2)- The post Maurya India of the Kushanas, satavahanas and Tamil powers, Chera, Chola and Pandya, Sources of history and historiography of the period
  • CC-4 (Unit-1)- Sources of History and historiography of the period ;contemporary texts and travelogues; indigenous literature and archaeology
  • GE. History- Unit2- indigenous knowledge system animal ethics-social formation and collective management of revers forests and hills in pre-colonial India,Unit1 –Communal riots influx refugees and their rehabilitation
  • CC (Unit-2) Delhi on the eve of the Mughal ascent-Timur’s invasion –the sayyids and lodis-Babur’s adventure –Babur’s central Asian connection –Humayun’s misfortune –Shershah Sur and Afghan rule in India-making of the Mughal state from Akbar to Aurangzeb.
  • CC-5 (Unit-2)- Humayun’s misfortune, Shershah Sur and Afghan Rule in India
  • CC7 (Unit-3)- American War of Independence-birth of new democratic politics
  • CC (Unit-2) Exploitation and resistance –de-peasantization and de-industrialization –drain of wealth famines in India.
  • CC-10 (Unit-2)- The eighteenth country background to the French Revolution; society, economy, and polity; the philosophers and the ideological revolution.
  • GE. History- Unit1- Art, Architecture, science and literature the printing revolution
  • CC (Unit-1) Different communication Theories-communication in a globalized Society and economy aspects of electronic communication,
  • CC (Unit-2) Technologist and instruments of electronic communication-state and administration –people and their culture. Introduction to computer networks.
  • Course-XII: History of Modern India from Renaissance to Independence.
  • DSE (Honours) = Course-II: History of Japan from Meiji Restoration to the Second World War.
  • Course-III: Issue of the Contemporary World.
  • DSE (General) = Course-1: History of China from Tradition to Revolution.
  • Course-XIII: Modern Europe: From Nationalism to Socialism.
  • Course-XIV: Trends in World Politics from the First to the Second World War.
  • DSE (Honours)
  • Course-1: History of Bangladesh from Liberation to the present day.
  • Course-III: History of Women in India
  • SEC (General) =Course-1: History and Tourism in India.
Awards/Achievements : Awarded W.B. SET in 2023.
List of Publications:
Research :
  1. বাংলায় স্বদেশ চেতনার উন্মেষ ও বিকাশ, সম্পাদনা ডঃ মায়া মজুমদার, দেশপ্রেমিক যতীন দাস, অধ্যাপক ফিরোজ মন্ডল, ISBN: 978-93-86028-43-3, YEAR-2020, অধ্যয়ন পাবলিকেশন, কলকাতা- ৭০০০৭৩, PAGE NO.-155-160
  2. আধুনিক যুগের বাংলা, সম্পাদনা সুভাষ বিশ্বাস, আধুনিক বাংলায় মুসলিম সমাজে শিক্ষা বিস্তারে মুসলিম নারীদের অবদান, অধ্যাপক ফিরোজ মন্ডল, ISBN: 978-93-93490-31-5, দিশা প্রকাশনী, কলকাতা, 700009, PAGE NO.-235-245,
Conference / Seminar / Workshop details:
Level Paper presented Attended
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